Gerlits Alexander won the third Paralympic medal in the history Kazakhstan

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Astana. information agency "Kazinform" - At the Paralympic Games in Beijing Gerlits Alexander won the third Paralympic medal in the history Kazakhstan, the correspondent of International information company "Kazinform" reports. At a briefing the head of Committee of affairs of sports and physical culture Samat Yergaliev brought the following statistics into STsK. "At the Paralympic Games in China which took place from March 4 to March 13, our national Olympic team won a bronze medal, took the 17th place in the overall team competition among 53 countries. At the Olympic Games more than 700 athletes won 78 sets of medals on 6 sports. And our athletes...
Sergei Leonidovich Usoltsev
Last position: Director of Aton investment company
Samat Yergaliev
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee for sport and physical culture (Ministry cultures of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Gerlits Alexander
Khamitov Yerbol
Petrenko Denise
International information company "Kazinform"
Main activity:Communication and IT