From boards of directors PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" left three foreign top managers

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It is the chairman boards of directors the Russian-British chamber of commerce Rodger Mannings, the expert of Valdai club Tobi Trister Gati and the former chancellor Austria Wolfgang Shyussel. About it writes information agency "Interfaks" with reference to a site of companies. In PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" on an event did not comment...
Rodger Mannings
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee on a personnel and remunerations of Board of Directors (PJSC Lukoil)
Tobi Trister Gati
Last position: Member of the committee on strategy, investments and sustainable development of Board of Directors (PJSC Lukoil)
Wolfgang Shyussel
Last position: Independent board member, Member of the committee on a personnel and remunerations of Board of Directors (PJSC Lukoil)
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining