"All sleeplessness I you love a solo performance! " will present in the Memorial estate Shalyapin F. I.

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"All sleeplessness I love you! " – the solo performance weaved from rhythms, music, words and meanings. Performance about love, happiness, overcoming and live soul of the poet. Verses Tsvetaeva Marina are born from music, dance and slow conversation. Thanks to penetrating execution of musical and poetic lines of different years, actors create an image of the poet and will allow the listener to feel a spirit of the age in which lived […]...
Mark Ilyich Pekarsky
Last position: Teacher of department of string, wind and percussion instruments of faculty of historical and modern performance (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
Shalyapin F. I.
Tsvetaeva Marina
Ostalskaya Anna
Main activity:Culture and sports