Financial block reports: deputies squabbled, but Natalia Bryukhanova and Nicholas Zontov] took over wor

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On Tuesday at meeting Committee under Budget and Ekonomicheskoye to policy deputies of legislative assembly listened to reports of the minister of finance Natalia Bryukhanova and heads of departments of economic developments and the industries Nicholas Zontov. Discussion of reports turned out emotional: deputies Volodarsky Matvey and Chepukhin Alexander arranged skirmish, it was necessary to interfere to Kameko Vladimir. Work Regionalny Minfin as a result recognized appropriate, to Nicholas Zontov too claims were not...
Natalia Bryukhanova
Last position: Acting as minister (Ministry of Finance of the Ulyanovsk region)
Volodarsky Matvey
Chepukhin Alexander
Kameko Vladimir
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