The resolution State Assembly of the Sakha Republic of March 3, 2022 of GS No. 922-VI "About appointment to positions of auditors Schetnaya palata Sakha (Yakutia) Republic"

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According to part 1 of article 5 of the Law Sakha (Yakutia) Republic "About Schetnaya palata " State Assembly of the Sakha Republic decides Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Sakha (Yakutia) Republic: Ivanov Mikhail Nikolaevich Praskovya Kychkina Helena Lukina Oktyabrina Nikonov Tatyana Osipova Sedalishchev Alexander Nikolaevich. 2 . To publish the present resolution in republican newspapers "Yakutia", "Sakha (Yakutia) Republic sire" and parliament newspaper "Il Tumen". 3 . The present resolution comes into force from the moment of it. .
Praskovya Kychkina
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Helena Lukina
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Tatyana Osipova
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Aleksey Ilyich Yeremeev
Last position: Chairman (State Assembly of the Sakha Republic)