The Dutchwoman Skhauten Irene won two victories in the second day of a cup-final of the world on skates

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on March 13, in Herenvene (Netherlands) the world cup-final on speed skating came to the end. Russians do not take part in this tournament because of discharge. In the second start on 500 m won Tatsuya Sinama (34,487) and the American against Erin Jackson (37,324), on 1000 m the best – the Japanese Mikho Takagi (1.13,285), on 1500 m – Dutch Kyeld Nays (1.43,486), mass start – the Belgian Bart Svings (60 points), on 3000 m and mass start – the Dutchwoman Skhauten Irene (3.56,829 and 60). Results Agency "Reports all sports...
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