Rock of Cashel: Sting of the Devil, Saint Patrick's Embarrassment and the Irish Khatyn. Guide on Ireland with Tarutin Sergei

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The rock Cashel, known the same as Scala St Patrick is located in Tipperari's county. According to legends, in these parts the sacred expelled from a cave in mountains a Satan. The devil bit off a "small" slice from the mountain, but thus broke teeth. "Slice" dropped out at it of a mouth in 30 km from the mountain, the Devil called the Sting. And there was in the middle of the plain mystical […] a Message of Rock of Cashel: Sting of the Devil, Saint Patrick's Embarrassment and the Irish Khatyn. Guide on Ireland with Tarutin Sergei appeared at first on RUSSIANIRELAND - the Russian Ireland...
Tarutin Sergei
Kromvel Oliver
Prays Arthur
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