The compact nuclear reactor broke a record: it warmed plasma to 100 million degrees

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Nikiforova Anastasia the News Thermonuclear editor a startup Tokamak Energy, Ltd established a world record having reached the 100-million temperature of plasma in small spherical Tokamak ST40 Read "High tech" in the British Tokamak Energy, Ltd who is engaged in nuclear synthesis, declared that broke a world record in the field of nuclear synthesis. Plasma temperature in Tokamak reached 100 million degrees Celsius. In a statement it is said that it is that threshold which is necessary for commercial realization of thermonuclear energy. Spherical Tokamak ST40 of companies is financed from the private...
Nikiforova Anastasia
Main activity:Science and education
Токамак Энерджи, Лтд.
Main activity:Science and education