To Moscow Art Theatre of Chekhov there is Yerofeev Venedikt

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The director Ulanbek Bayaliev put the only finished Yerofeev Venedikt the play in Moscow Art Theatre of a name of Chekhov. "Walpurgis night, or Steps of the Commodore" - the grotesque tragedy written in 1985 after the author visited once again in...
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Lyubimtsev
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Sergei Zhenovach
Last position: Professor, Head of the department of direction of the drama (RUSSIAN FEDERATION HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION TEATRALNOGO ISKUSSTVA-GITIS)
Vladimir Kuznetsov
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Rostislav Leonidovich Lavrentyev
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Ulanbek Bayaliev
Last position: Director, actor