11.03.2022, 14-46 values of the upper bound of a price band of a repo, a rate of transfer and range of an assessment of percentage risks of a security of Z-RM (Zillow Group, Inc by ORD SHS CL C)] are change

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According to the Technique of definition of NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL CENTER (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY) risk parameters stock markets and the market of deposits of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE 11.03.2022, 14-46 (Moscow time) are changed values of the upper bound of a price band of a repo with a code of calculations of Y0/Y1Dt (to 38.86 %), rates of transfer and range of an assessment of percentage risks (to 18.33 rub) Z-RM security (Zillow Group, Inc ORD SHS CL C). To pass to the page of this...