In the middle of March in Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name masterpieces Motsart Volfgang Amadey] will soun
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In the middle of the first spring month, on March 15, at 19:00 in the Big hall Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name will sound symphonies Motsart Volfgang Amadey No. 25 and No. 40, and also the overture to the last opera of the Vienna genius — "A magic flute". On a scene — the Moscow state academic symphonic orchestra under management Pavel Leonidovich Kogan, the conductor — Klinichev Pawel ". In my opinion, Motsart Volfgang Amadey is the highest, culmination point to which beauty dosyagala in the music sphere" — Chaykovsky Petr wrote...