The deputy head and new structure of auditors of Schetnaya palata by Sakha (Yakutia) Republic] is chose

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During the XXXV (next) plenary session State Assembly of the Sakha Republic the sixth convocation on March 3, 2022 People's Deputies of the republic considered the personnel questions connected with appointment to the post of the vice-chairman and auditors of Schetnaya palata of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Within plenary session the question of an early release from a position of the auditor of Schetnaya palata by Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Pishchulina Helena also was considered. Information...
Helena Reynbush
Last position: Vice-chairman (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Praskovya Kychkina
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Andrey Alekseevich Nikolaev
Last position: Chairman (City Court of the Zelenodolsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Aleksey Ilyich Yeremeev
Last position: Chairman (State Assembly of the Sakha Republic)