the Nations the cold did not stop Theatre team

@Moskovskaja pravda
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It was supposed to renew the football championship of the Moscow theaters after winter vacation at the end of January, but the situation with distribution Koronavirus then disposed to competitions. Therefore the next round took place in the first day of Maslenitsa. Meanwhile on "Krasnaya Presnya" there was a slip to granting time in an arena therefore one couple played in the open air. Theatres the Nations it […] the Message Theatre Team the Nations the cold did not stop players appeared at first on the Moscow truth...
Sergei Kempo
Last position: Actor, screenwriter
Stanislas Aleksandrovich Raskachaev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Spivak Maxime
Tsay Alexander
Dushevin Igor