On March 17 in Pskov the Festival of the Russian music] will ope

@Pskovskaja pravda
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The 48th Festival of the Russian music of a name of M. P. Mussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsakov N. A. will pass on a scene big concert halls the Pskov philharmonic hall from March 17 to March 22. About it Pskovskaya pravda reported in the press service of Administration of the Pskov region. In the current year within the Festival of the Russian music holding seven concerts in which musical collectives from Pskov and Moscow will participate is planned. On March 17 the Festival of the Russian music will open the Governor's symphonic orchestra Pskov Region with the legendary symphonic fairy tale Prokofyev S. S. for children and their parents "Petya and a wolf...
Denise Aleksandrovich Gorev
Last position: Head of department of confidential operations (LLC "Management company Veles Management")
Youri Ivanovich Simonov
Last position: Conductor, musical teacher
Rimsky-Korsakov N. A.
Prokofyev S. S.
Prokofyeva S. S.