Чешка Ледецка выиграла скоростной спуск в Кран Монтане, Юлия Плешкова - 22-я

Сегодня в швейцарской Кран Монтане прошел первый из двух запланированных здесь этапов Кубка мира...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Federation of mountain skiing and snowboard of Russia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Julia Pleshkova
Last position: The professional athlete on mountain skiing
Micaela Polin Shiffrin
Last position: The professional athlete on mountain skiing
Ragnkhild Movinkel
Last position: The professional athlete on mountain skiing
Kornelia Khyutter
Last position: The professional athlete on mountain skiing
Vlkhov Petr