The Lazio area authorities to Italy suspended cooperation on Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak"

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The authorities Capital Region of Denmark Lazio to Italy suspended cooperation with FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, the Minister of Health of area Alessio D'Amato reported, the La Reppublica newspaper writes. "We stop cooperation with "Satellite" tests because the science has to be on world service, instead of wars as the Pope" told — he declared. FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION and National institute infectious diseases of a name of Ladzaro Spallantsani in Rome signed the memorandum of cooperation on April 13, 2021. They conducted scientific researches the Russian vaccine, the president explained Capital Region of Denmark to Lazio Nicol...