Micronesia notified Russian Federation on a rupture of diplomatic relations

@RIA Novosti
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CC0 / / Bikini Atoll to Micronesia. Archival photo Moscow, 24 Feb - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Micronesia broke off diplomatic relations with Russian Federation in connection with events in Ukraine, is spoken in the message of the government of this Pacific country distributed on Friday and the note directed by it to embassy Russian Federation on Philippines". Micronesia (FShM) notified on February 25, 2022 Russian Federation that diplomatic relations between two countries are broken off", - is spoken in the message. Micronesia as it is noted in the document, will go for restoration of diplomatic relations with...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 891
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
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Last position: President of the Federal States of Micronesia (President Micronesia)
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