The fighter Ernar Fidakhmetov won gold on the international tournament to Turkey | NUR.KZ

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On passing in Istanbul (Turkey) the international tournament "Iachar Dauga" by types of fight the Kazakhstan athletes won some awards, transfers NUR.KZ. In weight category to 55 kg the fighter of the Greek-Roman style Bekbolatov Amangali became the silver prize-winner, having conceded in the final to the local athlete to Uzun Burak with the score 5:6. In weight to 60 kg Ernar Fidakhmetov became the champion. In decisive fight it overcame Ozturk Ekrem from Turkey. The brother Ernara Ernur Fidakhmetov won a bronze award. Also bronze medal took Meyrzhan Shermakhanbet, acting in weight to 67 kg. It conceded in a semi-final to the fighter...
Bekbolatov Amangali
Uzun Burak
Ozturk Ekrem