To Nizhny Novgorod Region court supported requirements of the nature protection prosecutor and obliged regional executive authority to establish borders of nature sanctuaries of regional value

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Nizhegorodsky District Interdistrict prosecutor's office of nature conservation carried out an inspection of performance of the legislation on especially protected natural territories. It is established that in violation of the law of data on borders of nature sanctuaries of regional Value "Wildlife Area Koverninsky", "Bog of Mazovskoye-of II", "Sites Pine Listvennichnogo the Woods at of Vysokovo", "Bogs and Sites of the Listvennichno-pine Wood of the Naumovsky Forest Area", "Bog Small", "Sharlovo's bog, "Sites of Fir Forests near of Sermyagino" real estates are not brought in the Uniform state inventory. Lack of borders of especially protected natural...