Kidnapping. Engelssky SKR and prosecutor's office still did not initiate arrest accused

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Today, on February 24, in edition of Information company "Free news. FreeNews-Volga" the Saratov lawyer Bous Andrey who declared addressed that committee of inquiry (the head Govorunov Anatoly) and prosecutor's office (the head Sergei Filipenko) more than two years show unprecedented loyalty to the citizens accused of stealing and beating of the businessman in Engels. By words Bous Andrey, the victim who was the representative, it settled all lawful ways to affect a course of criminal cases therefore it is compelled to draw public attention and to ask for help mass media. "In 2019 two my principals from...
Sergei Filipenko
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Saratov region)
Bous Andrey
Govorunov Anatoly
Kalashnikov Sergei