"The former members Government of the Republic of Mordovia have to be responsible with the personal property for debts! "

@Stolitsa S
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Director general "Invest-Alyans" and "Lamzuri" Fetkhullova Larissa — about "the run-away rats" and "collective-farm and Komsomol" style of a former office...
Vladimir Fedorovich Sushkov
Main activity:Politician
Nikolay Merkushkin
Last position: The special representative of the President on interaction with the World congress of the Finno-Ugric people (President of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Mikhaylovich Muravyev
Last position: Member of the youth commission (Selkhoz Russia)
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Volkov
Main activity:Official
Artyom Alekseevich Zdunov
Main activity:Politician