To Leningrad Region the fast was stopped by snowdrifts. Physicians had to go to the patient on foot

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The car the fast helps could not pass to the patient because of snowdrifts in Vyborgsky rayon Leningrad Region. Physicians had to go to the apartment on foot, and then together with eyewitnesses to get out car, writes on February 18 47news. As the inhabitant of the settlement Kamenka Yuli told, to her 56-year-old father called an ambulance because of complaints on heart. Near his house on Voinov Tankistov Street the car got stuck in snow. "The car could not reach, got stuck for some houses to ours. There height of snowdrifts the huge. To doctors two houses" were necessary to go on foot to an entrance — Yulia told. the reader 47news Physicians rendered to the man...
Aleksey Petrovich Kostyuchenko
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal entity Polyany rural settlement of the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region)
Valery Savinov
Main activity:Official
Zhilishchno-kommunalnoe administration office
Vyborgsky rayon