Jason Demers, productivity Kempfer Stephen, Swiss strategy

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KHL.ru sums up the results of the Olympic tournament for the national teams Switzerland, Denmark, Canada and United States of America...
Jason Demers
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)
Owen Power
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)
Jordane Uil
Last position: The professional athlete on ice hockey (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "XK "DINAMO-MOSKVA")
Edward Robert Nito Paskuale
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)
Maxime Noro
Last position: The professional athlete of Canadian national team on ice hockey (Canadian hockey assotsiatsiya)
Hockey club "Yokerit"
Main activity:Culture and sports