WITH ANNIVERSARY, Semen Semenovich Sytnik!

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At Semen Semenovich Sytnik, the actor Aleksandrinsky theater, the honored artist Russian Federation — anniversary. In our blog Semen Semenovich Sytnik congratulate Volkov Igor and  Anna Blinov, his partners and colleagues on theater on which scene Semen Semenovich Sytnik plays already more than half a century, and his pupils, the well-known release LGITMIKA of 1991, a course Igor Gorbachev. Vorobyeva Victoria, Alexander Lvovich Bargman, Sergei Byzgu, Vorobyev Dimitri. They for a long time recognized masters, actors-directors-teachers, but the teacher for them — still unconditional authority on a profession, the wise adviser, the companion, a sensitive tuning fork. We join to...
Semen Semenovich Sytnik
Last position: Actor (Aleksandrinsky theater)
 Anna Blinov
Last position: Actress (Aleksandrinsky theater)
Sergei Byzgu
Last position: Actor, theatrical teacher
Valery Fokin
Last position: Artistic director (Aleksandrinsky theater)
Aleksandrinsky theater
Main activity:Culture and sports