Investments the Lipetsk producer of prebiotics can reach ₽6 billion

@RBK Chernozem'e
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The Lipetsk LLC "IstAgro Don" can enclose such sum In May of last year in the territory of the special economic zone "Dankov" to Lipetsk Region LLC "IstAgro Don" carried out test start-up of the first stage of productions to both turns of plant prebiotics where as raw materials the girasol is used. As told daily business newspaper "RBK daily" the Chernozem region in companies, in December plant completely put into operation — its design capacity of processing to 500 tons of raw materials per day. "A planned exit of a finished product — to 10 thousand tons of syrups a year. As a result we are going to make two types of syrups: vysokofruktozny from...