+1OfficialPoliticianIgor Artamonov Last position: Head (Administration of the Lipetsk region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not presentTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not present12/17/2023RT in RussianThis important event not only for those who will receive new modern housing, but also for all city which proved that fulfills the obligations to inhabitants, and ahead of schedule12/18/2023Lipetsk timeEstablishments\u000d\u000acultures have to be not only are filled with meanings, but also to look beautiful, and\u000d\u000aalso to be comfortable for visit. This requirement of time. We it is obligatory\u000d\u000alet's bring all sociocultural organizations in the region into accordEstablishments\u000d\u000acultures have to be not only are filled with meanings, but also to look beautiful, and\u000d\u000aalso to be comfortable for visit. This requirement of time. We it is obligatory\u000d\u000alet's bring all sociocultural organizations in the region into accord12/18/2023Админинстрация Липецкой областиTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not presentTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not present12/17/2023RT in RussianThis important event not only for those who will receive new modern housing, but also for all city which proved that fulfills the obligations to inhabitants, and ahead of schedule12/18/2023Lipetsk timeEstablishments\u000d\u000acultures have to be not only are filled with meanings, but also to look beautiful, and\u000d\u000aalso to be comfortable for visit. This requirement of time. We it is obligatory\u000d\u000alet's bring all sociocultural organizations in the region into accordEstablishments\u000d\u000acultures have to be not only are filled with meanings, but also to look beautiful, and\u000d\u000aalso to be comfortable for visit. This requirement of time. We it is obligatory\u000d\u000alet's bring all sociocultural organizations in the region into accord12/18/2023Админинстрация Липецкой областиTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not presentTonight in the territory of the Lipetsk region forces of air defense brought down one Ukrainian UAV of plane type. Victims and destructions are not present12/17/2023RT in Russian123638Related events+163 last weekHeadAdministration of the Lipetsk region0Media Score250Rank positionHeadAdministration of the Lipetsk region57years oldBornMarch 14, 1967BudyonnovskRelationship status: He is married465Connections+187 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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