The prime minister Spain will take part in the summit EU — Africa

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The chairman of Government Kingdoms of Spain Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon will go on February 17 to Brussels for participation in the summit EU — Africa. About it writes Ispanskoye nezavisimoye information company EFE. In Brussels Brahim Ghali and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Morocco Naser Burita will meet the leader of the POLISARIO FRONT. Leaders EU and African Union have to meet in the Belgian capital at the sixth summit between two regions. The parties did not hold similar meetings since November, 2017...
Pedro Sanches Peres-Kastekhon
Last position: Chairman (Government Kingdoms Spain)
Bragim Gali
Last position: President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (President of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Naser Burita
Last position: Minister (Ministry foreign affairs and international cooperation of Kingdom Morocco)