The Canadian hockey players won the Chinese Olympic Games; Russians – the fifth

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on February 17, in Beijing (China) proceeds the 13th day of XXIV Winter Olympic Games. In the final of female hockey tournament of the Canadian beat Americans – 3:2 (2:0, 1:1, 0:1). At winners of washers spent Sar Nayrs (7.50) and two Mari-Filip Pulen-Nado (15.02 and 29.08), at lost – Knight Hillary (36.39) and Amanda Kessel (59.47). Let's remind that bronze was taken by Finns, and the Russian team took the fifth place. About it reports Agency "All sports...
Amanda Kessel
Last position: The professional athlete of the national team of the United States of America on hockey (Administration)
Knight Hillary