The Secretary of State of the Union State Mezentsev Dimitri visited Institute experimental medicine and discussed the joint project on development a mukozalny vaccine from Koronavirus

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On December 13, 2021 the Secretary of State of the Union State Mezentsev Dimitri met the management and leading experts Institutes experimental medicine. The question of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation in development a mukozalny vaccine against Koronavirus was discussed. Institutes participated in discussion experimental medicine professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitriev Alexander, the research supervisor Institutes the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sofronov Heinrich, the academician-secretary of Office of medical sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Starodubov, the deputy director of Department of coordination activity the scientific the director...
Vladimir Ivanovich Starodubov
Last position: Research supervisor (Federal state-financed institution "Tsniioiz" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Oleg Leonidovich Slizhevsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of Republic of Belarus)
Mezentsev Dimitri
Dmitriev Alexander
Sofronov Heinrich