In Borovichi district in Sopina's village passed the first public prayer in the restored church of the Sacred Zhivonachalny Trinity

@GTRK Slavija
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In Borovichi district in Sopina's village passed the first public prayer in the restored church of the Sacred Zhivonachalny Trinity constructed on means of the great commander Alexander Suvorov. The temple was in desolation of almost 100 years. Sound of bells more than 80 years in these parts were not audible. In Sopina's village in Borovichi district in the winter seldom who can be met, generally there come summer residents, but so was not always. For 22 thousand rubles in the middle of the 18th century Suvorov Alexander got here a big manor. Amount of transaction for those times the fantastic. In property of a family of Suvorov...
Andrey Nikitin
Last position: Governor (Government of the Novgorod region)
Sergei Glukhov
Main activity:Official
Suvorov Alexander
Boytsova Tatyana
Moroko Ioann
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations