In the Volgograd pedagogical higher education institution elections of the rector] bega

@Volgogradskaja Pravda
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Employees reported universities about the beginning of procedure on Monday, February 14. As reported on a site higher education institutions, this question was taken out on an emergency meeting of an academic council in connection with the termination of powers of the present rector Alexander Korotkov. Procedure of elections of the head higher education institutions appears in four months prior to the expiration of powers. At an emergency meeting the structure of the commission and the plan of measures at elections of the new rector was unanimously approved. Alexander Korotkov held a post of the rector FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "VGSPU" in 2017. He also is the chairman of the board of rectors of the Volgograd higher education institutions. From the 2012th on...
Alexander Korotkov
Last position: Director of JSC Partner Private Security Company
Razygraeva Olesya
Main activity:Science and education