Soccer. The defender Alexander Antonovich Anyukevich signed contract with "Neman"

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The defender Alexander Antonovich Anyukevich signed contract with "Neman". Agreement term — one year, is reported by the press service of the Grodno club. The pupil of the Grodno sports school No. 6 for the first time played for a double of native team in 2008, and in two years debuted in the main team of the city. As a part of flavovirent the defender carried out in the strongest division of 9 seasons (from 2010 to 2017). The current season becomes for grodnenets the tenth as a part of native team and the thirteenth in the strongest division of the country. The defender spent the last three seasons in "Slutsk", having played for club from Minsk Region in the championship 62 matches. In a season...
Alexander Antonovich Anyukevich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (SOU OF GFK "of the Neman city")