Akmarzhan Kalmurzayeva made a speech in the final freestyle acrobatics at the Olympic Games-2022

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Beijing. information agency "Kazinform" - Kazakhstanka Akmarzhan Kalmurzayeva performed in the final freestyle acrobatics at the Olympic Games in Beijing, own correspondent of International information company "Kazinform" reports. Competitions take place Snow park Genting to Zhangjiakou (Province of Hebei, China). 12 sportswomen participate in the final. In the first attempt the Kazakhstan sportswoman showed the 12th result with an assessment 52.36. In the second – could not finish. Judges provided to Akmarzhan Kalmurzayeva chance to make a jump with which she coped, having shown result 71.72. But this assessment did not suffice for an exit in "the big final" where will play a set...