The ex-head of committee of education Tatyana Klimenko can head Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Zabaykalsky Territory — sources

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The vice-president of Civic chamber Zabaykalsky Territory, professor FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ZABGU", the doctor of pedagogical sciences Tatyana Klimenko, in the 2000th years heading Committee educations of the Chita city areas, can head the ministry of educations Zabaykalsky Territory which from the moment of dismissals Natalia Byankina in the fall of 2021 work without head. About possibility of appointment Tatyana Klimenko to correspondents of Chita city portal "Chita. Ru" on February 14 reported at once some sources in authorities, Tatyana Klimenko did not confirm, but also did not disprove this information. About the possible...