Мимо медалей? Как на Олимпиаде в Пекине выступают красноярские спортсмены

Зимние Олимпийские игры-2022 вышли на финишную прямую...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «AIF-Krasnoyarsk» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexandra Parshin
Last position: The professional athlete on a snowboard
Nadezhda Sergeeva
Main activity:Athlete
Lyubov Nikitina
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on freestyle ("FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT")
Ilya Alekseevich Burov
Last position: The professional athlete on freestyle ("FEDERATSIYA FRISTAYLA RUSSIA"; "BRANCH OF FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT")
Catherina Dobrodeev
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)