Olympic Games. Beijing-2022. Freestyle. the 17-year-old Belarusian Andriyanova Anastasia reached the final at the debut Olympic Games

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The Belarusian fristaylistka Andriyanova Anastasia left in a final in aerials at the Olympic Games-2022 in Beijing. Following the results of two qualifications the 17-year-old Belarusian took the 12th place thanks to an assessment for the first jump and earned the right to act in finals. For Andriyanova Anastasia it is the debut Olympic Games. 18-year-old Derugo Anna remained out of the final. Thus, in decisive competitions Belarus will present Guskova  Anna and Andriyanova Anastasia. The final will begin at 14.00 on the Belarusian time. Olympic Games-2022. Freestyle. Aerials. Women. First qualification 1. Laura Peele...