In the next years in 20 schools Tomsk Region there will take place overhaul

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In 2022-2023 to Tomsk Region will execute capital repairs 23 schools within the new federal program "Modernization of School Systems of Educations", the press service of Obladministratsiya reports. "The modernization of school systems of <20> educations program is declared by the president and created for capital repairs, first of all, rural schools. But we manage to enter into it and city schools as in Tomsk big need for repair — the deputy governor reported Tomsk Region on scientific educational complex and digital transformation Ludmila Ogorodova. — The program provides...
Ludmila Ogorodova
Last position: The deputy governor on scientific educational complex and digital transformation (Administration of the Tomsk region)
Ogaou "Gubernatorsky Svetlensky lyceum"
Main activity:Science and education
Government Agency