Главному романтику ленинградского рок-н-ролла Максиму Леонидову исполнилось 60 лет

@Gazeta "Metro"
13 февраля отмечает 60-летний юбилей музыкант один из основателей бит-квартета "Секрет" Максим...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Metro newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
 Anna Banshchikova
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Leo Abramovich Dodin
Last position: Director, artistic director (Academic Small drama theater Theatre of Europe)
Nicholas Fomenko
Last position: Conducting the headings "Fomenko on Humour of FM" (LLC "YUMOR FM")
Maxime Leonidovich Leonidov
Last position: Singer, musician, actor of cinema and theater, guitarist, poet-song writer, TV host
Aleksey Murashov
Last position: Drummer, guitarist, singer