The national team Russian Federation on hockey suffered the first defeat from the national team Czech Republic

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On February 12 an Olympic team Russian Federation in a match of the third round of group B suffered defeat from the national team Czech Republic with the score 5:6. This defeat became for the Russian athletes the first at the current Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. Watch development events in translation: "XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing – translation" the Thrown washers: Tkachev Vladimir 04:51 — 1:0, Tomash Kundratek 12:37 — 1:1, Nesterov Nikita 32:19 — 2:1, Davide Kreychi 38:41 — 2:2, Shpachek Mikhael 39:16 — 2:3, Lukash Klok 43:14 — 2:4, Semenov Kirill 43:50 — 3:4, Arseny Gritsyuk 46:43 — 4:4, Chibisov Andrey 48:22 — 5:4, Tomash Gika...