Сборная Китая в упорной борьбе уступила Германии на ОИ-2022

Шайбы Паркера Фу и Тайлера Вона не спасли Китай от поражения в матче против Германии...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Continental hockey league» , more details in our Terms of Service
Даниэль Пиетта
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey
Mathias Niderberger
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Aysberen" (Berlin))
Jake Chelios
Last position: The professional athlete of the national team of China on hockey
Lucas Lokkhart
Last position: The professional athlete of the national team of China on hockey
Geremy Smith
Last position: The professional athlete Sbornoy of China on hockey