In Ufa assigned flowers to a bust Garipov Ramy

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Today the 90 anniversary since the birth of the national poet of Belarus Garipov Ramy is celebrated. In the Bashkir republican gymnasium boarding school No. 1 bearing his name, honored Memory of the Poet. Before a bust Garipov Ramy there took place a festive event in which participated the deputy prime minister of Government RB Azat Shamilevich Badranov and other officials, representatives of the Bashkir intellectuals, children and grandsons Garipov Ramy . On a platform of a gymnasium verses Garipov Ramy performed by pupils of a gymnasium sounded. The celebration was opened by "Synrau Thorn's" Bashkir national melody. - Today 90 years are executed from the date of...
Rady Khabirov
Last position: Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Konstantin Khabensky
Main activity:Cultural worker
Zaki Alibaev
Last position: Deputy (State Assembly – Kurultai Republic of Bashkortostan)
Azat Shamilevich Badranov
Last position: First deputy prime minister (Government'S Central Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Garipov Ramy