"The most beautiful Kazakh woman": Aja Shalkar fascinated fans, having published a photo without make-up | Nur. kz

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The designer and model Aja Shalkar published "honest" photos without make-up. Fans admired natural beauty of the girl, transfers Nur. kz. 26-year-old Aja Shalkar shared new photos on the page in website "Instagram". The owner of bright and unusual appearance was not afraid to pose on a chamber without make-up. Admirers highly appreciated pictures, having assured that to the girl very much there is a naturalness. "Fine", "You are very similar to the Turkish actress Khatidzhe Tuba Byuyyukyustyun. Very beautiful", "Well for eyes! ", "The most beautiful Kazakh woman", "The good fellow, the natural beauty", "Vsgda the best for me"...