"Sleeping" cryptopurses of Russians: news by the morning on February 11

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Investing.com — Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) withdrew the license at settlement banks WebMoney, and Russian Federation came to the second place in the world on number of "sleeping" cryptopurses — these and other important news of the cryptocurrency market in our daily review. Bank Rossiiotozval the license for implementation of bank operations at JOINT-STOCK COMPANY BANK "REGIONAL CLINICAL HOSPITAL" (KKB). At the time of revocation of license bank took the 164th place to Russian Federation in size of assets. Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" (MCX: VTBR), without waiting for the decision Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) on a rate, lifted profitability of deposits. The greatest possible profitability for investors, satisfied all conditions, is promised at the level of 10% per annum...