In Krasnodar there will take place exhibition Galina Khaylu and Polupanov Sergei

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In the Krasnodar regional showroom of the fine arts from February 16 to February 27 there will take place exhibition Galina Khaylu and Polupanov Sergei "Qi's Memory". Visitors will see about 70 works of members Union of artists Russia. According to masters, "Qi's memory" – the phrase stupor, capable to stop, force to address on a habit to search engine on Internet or to own I. All exposition is devoted to personal introspection and memoirs. — Investigating memory, we find experiences, emotions and the values inherent everyone, uniform for all. Whether it be yesterday's icons of style and fashion which, to be...
Polupanov Sergei
Selkhoz Russia
Main activity:Culture and sports