The ambassador Luxembourg accepted Umakhan Umakhanov and Anatoly Borisovich Vyborny

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On February 10, 2022, mister Georges Faber, the Ambassador Luxembourg, accepted mister Umakhan Umakhanov, the former deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and mister Anatoly Borisovich Vyborny, the deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, during a dinner in Embassy Luxembourg in Moscow. It became an occasion to thank mister Umakhan Umakhanov for his valuable work in last years on development friendship between Luxembourg and Russian Federation at parliamentary level and to welcome appointment of mister Anatoly Borisovich Vyborny as the new communications coordinator of Inter-parliamentary group State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the Chamber of Deputies of the Great Duchy...
Anatoly Borisovich Vyborny
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on safety and anti-corruption, the member of the commission on consideration of the expenses of the federal budget aimed at providing national defense, national security and law-enforcement activity, the member of the commission of the State Duma concerning control of the credibility of information on income, property status and financial obligations provided by the deputies of the State Duma, to mandatory questions and questions of deputy ethics (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Umakhan Umakhanov
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee (Committee State Duma for Commonwealth of Independent States, to Euroasian integration and communications with compatriots)
Georges Faber
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in of the Russian Federation)