Representatives of legal community Saint Petersburg honored memory A.F. Koni within a solemn and mourning ceremony in honor of the 178th anniversary from the date of his birth

@Filial RPA v Sankt-Peterburge
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On February 09, 2022 on "the Literatorsky planked footway" Volkovsky orthodox cemetery there took place the solemn and mourning ceremony of flower-laying devoted to the 178 anniversary since the birth of the outstanding Russian state and public figure, lawyers, judges, "the knight of the right" Fedorovich Anatoly Horses. During a ceremony the gathered addressed: the chief Glavnogo of managements Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation across Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region Sergei Feoktistov, the Northwest transport prosecutor, the state councilor of justice 2 classes Vladimir Aleksandrovich Vladimirov, the president of Fund of support and developments...