Senators support social and economic reforms the President

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Increase of welfare of Kazakhstan citizens now has to become the main task of the Government, for this purpose it is necessary to develop mechanisms on elimination of gaps in the income and to create workplaces with worthy working conditions. Such opinion is expressed by senators, making comments on speech of the President of the country Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev on enlarged meeting of the Government on February 8 the current year. Then the Head of state sounded the report on social and economic development the countries for last year and designated the priority areas of work of Cabinet of Ministers for 2022, transfers newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan". So, senator Bekbolat Serikbekovich Orynbekov...
Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev
Last position: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (President of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Bekbolat Serikbekovich Orynbekov
Last position: Deputy (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Динар Жусупалиевна Нукетаева
Last position: Deputy (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Kurtaev Alimzhan
Dyusembinov Sultan