The love left to have legal proceedings: on Don the number of stains] grow

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Rostov Region, on February 9, 2022. DON24.RU. To get divorced Dona steels more often, data of Administration office civil registration office on Rostov Region testify. For last year 18 218 couples officially left, it is 8,8% more, than in the 2020th. According to the classical scheme Every year employees of a registry office suggest ex-spouses to pass the small poll, allowing to find out why they decided to leave officially. Results of the questioning which has been carried out in 2021, showed that the main reasons for divorce – loss of matrimonial feelings, financial difficulties and discrepancy of vital interests. According to poll, 75,2%...
Aleksey Kolchik
Last position: Head
Barakhoeva Lydia
Trofimova Catherina
Bondarenko Helena
Rostov regional bar association
Administration office civil registration office
Government Agency