The snowboarder Dzhakobellis brought United States of America the first gold of the Olympic Games in Beijing

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The second place was taken by the Frenchwoman Chloe Trespesh, the third — Canadian Meriyeta O'Dayn. From Russians a quarterfinal reached only Parshina Alexandra the American snowboarder Lindsay Dzhakobellis won gold in bord-cross-country at the Olympic Games in Beijing. The second place was taken by the Frenchwoman Chloe Trespesh, on the third — Canadian Meriyeta O'Dayn. The Russian snowboarders Christina Paul, Maria Vasiltsova and Catherina Lokteva-Zagorskaya left in 1/8 finals, and Parshina Alexandra could not leave in a semi-final. Dzhakobellis is 36 years old. She is the sixfold world champion, and at the Games of 2006 in Turin won silver in...