Answer to Ridley Scott: the family Guchchi Giorgio is going to shoot two pictures about brand stories

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It became known that the family Guchchi Giorgio is going to shoot two pictures which will be devoted to family and brand history. About it reports weekly magazine "Variety" with reference to movie company Sky Studios. It is planned to release series and the documentary film. According to the producer Khartmann Nils, projects will tell "story of a great family and a great brand". The basis will be formed by documents and family archives. As the executive producer of pictures will act...
Ridli Scott
Last position: Film director, film producer
Stefani Germanotta (Stefani Germanotta)
Last position: Singer, actress
Dzhared Dzhozef Leto
Last position: Actor, musician, singer
Adam Douglas Drayver
Last position: Actor
Alfredo James Pachino (al Pachino)
Last position: Actor, film director, screenwriter